
PLANART is a 16 years old company working on environmental projects and planning and urban design. Regional and master planning in every scale, roads and land allocations, coastal zone management planning, multi hazard risk mitigation planning are all implemented by PLANART. In addition to its planning works, another group of experts in the company composed of experienced engineers are focused on environmental protection issues. Planners and environmental experts work together combining their views in a holistic way which makes the company distinguishable compared to other similar companies. Environmental department have several projects on coastal management, natural and cultural resource management and environmental impact studies.

Consultancy services on site selection studies (mostly for water and wastewater treatment plants, sanitary landfills), policy and strategy development, project development and management are given by the company. Company’s staff and directors have 30 years experience for collaboration and consultancy with local authorities on environmental friendly (ecoplanning) plannig studies concerning the protection of natural resources including water resources. And, landscaping with roads design is a major work in PLANART.

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